Cogentix Research

Cogentix Research ~ ESOMAR 28

Setting the Standard for Ethical and Reliable Market Research

At Cogentix Research, we adhere to the globally recognized ESOMAR 28 guidelines, ensuring our research processes meet the highest standards of transparency, quality, and ethics. Partner with us for insights you can trust.

Advertising Research Company



Our panel team provides samples for various geographical locations for both B2C and B2B clients. As a sample vendor, we have helped many clients by providing them with high-quality data samples at a reasonable price based on their specific needs. We combine our extensive experience in online market research with cutting-edge technologies to conduct online field surveys for many market research agencies and bureaus We will continue to invest in improving and expanding our online panels. We are distinct from other panels in the sense we focus on the data quality by keeping check on various loops


Survey Fieldwork actively manages Consumer panels. Our panels consist of people who consciously chose to participate in online surveys via a double opt-in registration process. In an actively managed panel, the panelist’s life is closely monitored to ensure effectiveness and usability. Survey Fieldwork recruits’ panelists for its panels using a variety of methods, including opt-in email, co-registration, enewsletter campaigns, and both internal and external affiliate networks. Through our recruiting partners, we include social media. To create a high-quality panel and eliminate the inherent bias that could result from using just one or a few recruiting sources.

We believe, it is critical to work with multiple panels recruiting partners. Survey Fieldwork tracks both activity and engagement by demographic group, which contributes to the quality of data from our panelists.

The panel for sample surveys is carefully curated to ensure that only relevant respondents are included. This panel is professionally managed by a dedicated team that follows global quality assurance best practices to maintain response and data integrity. Survey Fieldwork’s in-depth knowledge of the local market is also a big advantage

Panelists are recruited exclusively for Market Research studies. We do not send surveys to people who have not registered into our panel. We never share individual details to clients or any associates.

Survey Fieldwork actively recruits hard-to-reach respondents (eg- younger people and ethnic minorities) through a network of partners with access to a wide range of online resources for these groups. These sources have expertise in recruiting these audiences for online activities. These recruiting programs include search engine optimization (SEO), affiliate networks, specialized websites, and referral programs. All recruiting sources, for hard-to-reach audiences or anyone else, are monitored to ensure that respondents are profiled, responsive, and answer the survey. engaged in the survey-taking experience

As mentioned above, we rarely need to add that from other sources to our sample. In cases where external sampling is required, we always advise the customer so that he can decide when and how to proceed with another supplier. The external partners in the sample are selected based on their ability to address hard-to-reach target groups and the quality and timeliness of their work. Our technology allows us to recognize users who take the same survey with other providers, thus avoiding duplicate responses.


Survey Fieldwork panel and mailing system allows us to pre-select target groups based on defined demographic profiles and apply a random distribution within the target population to ensure representativeness of the sampling operation. This ensures representation on key demographics. We also implement custom pre-screening to validate demographics and targeting. Our technologically advanced tools also allow us to ship batches or deliver samples at scheduled times to ensure the relevant distribution, geographic area, time zone and also taking into account local holidays or events.

Yes, our platform has an integrated survey router and dynamic profiler called Optimizer. This Optimizer increases panel reach and sample efficiency by addressing deficiencies in first generation stand-alone router systems, which can often result in poor panelist experience and higher panelist churn. Benefits include:

• Increased permission-based profiling depth as it can easily store routing qualification data in a panel member’s profile. This results in the ability to better target surveys to panel members;

• A superior optimization and routing experience for panel members as it leverages existing panel member profile information when matching a panelist to a survey, minimizing the number of qualifying questions and the time in the optimization and routing process;

• Yes, all members of Survey Fieldwork and our partner samples are used solely for market research purposes. Members will not be approached for any telemarketing or direct marketing activities under any circumstances. Furthermore, they are assured of this upon registration.

Panel members receive an invitation email containing a link to the survey. The link is sent according to the profile requirement of the surveys in real time which is assigned to eligible panelist. We can manually control priorities (for example to ensure that very urgent customer surveys meet quotas on time), but allocations are primarily determined by the quotas defined in the framework for each survey. If, after more detailed screening, a respondent does not qualify for the survey they were assigned to, they will be returned to the router and assigned to another survey.

We only use it on studies that are likely to be unaffected or likely to have a negative impact on the available redirected traffic. With high volume and large mix of target populations, we reduce the risk of router bias. Our tool does not use a routing method that can systematically prioritize certain categories or studies that would create bias. The randomization element used in routing algorithms is the key.

Our routing system allows us to set some router parameters at the system level, whereas parameters at the detection level are usually set by the project manager. In all cases, senior managers monitor routing parameters and make necessary changes based on our Client’s requirements

Basic demographic information and data on the most common topics for online surveys are collected from all members. This includes age, gender, location, family status, occupation, income, education, etc. In addition, panel members are profiled on a range of topics including technology, travel, automotive, health, lifestyle, media and many more. These additional profile surveys are fully optional. Also, after responding to a survey (as a complete, quota-full, or screened-out participant), panelists are presented with the opportunity to complete additional questions from the global questions list, to ensure their profile is kept up to date.

Panelists receive an email invitation that includes the length of the interview/survey, payment information, reference number, and a generally stated reference to the topic. The intent is to draw the panelist’s interest, without disclosing the precise nature of the study. Mindful of the panelist’s experience, every survey invitation contains instructions on how to claim incentive payment, an easy opt-out link, and an email link for questions (usually addressed within the same day). Email invitations are branded with a consistent subject line and graphics, to promote familiarity. [email protected] In addition to emailed invitations, we also utilize social media platforms, such as Facebook and Twitter to promote participation in our studies.

It is important that respondents are properly incentivized to take the time to express their opinions. We encourage each respondent to take our survey and complete it. The number of points awarded is determined by the duration of the interview (LOI). Upon reaching the redemption level we set, panel members can exchange their rewards for Amazon gift cards The number of reward points awarded depends on the type and complexity of the survey. The exact number of reward points may vary by survey and is clearly stated at the beginning of each survey.

• The demographics details (age, gender, regions, etc.)

• Any non-demographic targeting or behavioral criteria necessary to qualify

• Any quotas or sub-quotas which need to be achieved

• Additional sampling (deployment) criteria if applicable (i.e. census representative deployment or balanced send-outs to initiate the survey)

• Incidence Rate (IR)

• Length of Interview (LOI)

Yes, we do. Respondents are asked a few questions on their survey participation experience in terms of survey length, logic, language and are also able to give feedback in an open text box. We then compile all this information on our system and analyze it in aggregate as well as individual cases.

In addition to regular updates and statistics throughout the life of the project, we provide all data upon request, including number of completions, number of surveys initiated and incomplete.


We have several techniques are available to ensure that customers receive the highest quality data on which their analysis is based. We have mechanisms in place to identify and remove:

• Speeders

• Those who do not answer questions

• Those who do not normally answer

The set of quality controls will be determined with the client at the start of the project to ensure that they are in line with existing quality standards. In addition to removing fraudulent responses from survey data, panel members who fail this test are flagged in the database and eventually removed from the panel if they are found to be consistent offenders.

On average, panel members complete surveys no more than once a week, a threshold that ensures continued engagement without burdening panelist with too many surveys. We monitor and control the number and frequency of invites and completions both at the general level and within subject areas.

Controls are set on study-by-study basis. We can control who the invitations are sent based on the previous studies they have completed and within a set period.

Yes, we maintain a complete record of each respondent, including attempts to qualify for surveys. We also know where each of them originated. We can provide all data on request.

We have a range of features to deal with professional / duplicate respondents. The system uses stratified samples to obtain different types of respondents, including active and less active panelists. The duration of the survey is evaluated and compared with the individual responses. The system identifies and excludes multiple panelists by both email address and name. Our panel quality team continually analyzes panel data to identify “fraudulent” or “neglected” panel participants. Our project managers provide feedback to clients on any potential issues that may affect fieldwork, both before the project begins and after it is completed.


We use a standard double opt-in process to ensure that respondents are fully qualified and highly responsive. Survey Fieldwork panelists follow the following panel selection process:

• Click on an invitation to join the panel

• Complete a basic background and demographic survey

• Send a follow up email confirmation to double opt-in the panel

• Multimodal verification of details given by panelists

• Complete a first ‘dummy/test’ survey

• Results of the dummy/test survey are checked, and incorrect/fraudulent respondents are identified through this and removed instantly

We are a double opt-in panel company. Our members need to double opt-in to become active members of our panel. Panelists must complete an online registration form on our website, after which they will become a unique participant. We will then send them a confirmation email with a link. Once they have clicked on this link, they will be registered as a double opt-in.

The users can read our Privacy Policy before signing up in our Panel. Also, our privacy policy is included on panelist invites. privacy-policy and covers key topics including:

• Use of personally identifiable information

• Disclosure of information

• Data security

A brief description of each of the measures is outlined as below. Over-all Security:

• All Server/LAN/Networking equipment is confined to a separate enclosed room and the location accessible only by authorized personnel.

• The team at Survey Fieldwork has restricted access to the actual panel database for security purposes

• To prevent any virus/malware from entering the company infrastructure via electronic route, all machines including email server are monitored in real-time by anti-spyware and other relevant fire-wall applications.

Sampling security:

• Access to project information is only granted to the user who creates each project.

• Users are automatically logged off after a given period of non-activity.

• Users must sign in using a username and password.

• Respondents reach their surveys by GUIDS (globally unique identifiers). Panel management security:

• Access panel and panelist information is only granted to the company’s top level management.

• Users are automatically logged off after a given period of non-activity.

All our clients are cautioned that even with the best security measures, information presented online is not always secure. As long as the client is willing to accept the potential risk, we take a series of measures to reduce the risk. We are also including terms in our member terms to help make it clear to secure members that information shared through surveys and our systems is proprietary and protected.

We design different techniques and mechanisms to avoid frauds and professional panelists:

• We send unique URLs per study to each panelist.

• We accept only one registration from each computer (We detect this using the IP and cookies).

• We analyze the time that the panelist takes to answer the questionnaire. If the time is shortened then the minimum expected, we delete these respondents.

• We analyze open end answers.

• We do not reveal the target we are looking to our panelist

• Our incentives system does not promote the “professional panelist”

• We compare the information that the panelists provide in their profile vs. the information provided in the surveys we send to the panelist

Yes, in some cases. Children under the age of 14 can only be contacted with the express permission of a parent who is a member of the panel and must be present to present their child to the survey. Children never address directly. We respect all ESOMAR rules and follow all guidelines related to online market research.

Our panel team provides samples for various geographical locations for both B2C and B2B clients. As a sample vendor, we have helped many clients by providing them with high-quality data samples at a reasonable price based on their specific needs. We combine our extensive experience in online market research with cutting-edge technologies to conduct online field surveys for many market research agencies and bureaus We will continue to invest in improving and expanding our online panels. We are distinct from other panels in the sense we focus on the data quality by keeping check on various loops

Survey Fieldwork actively manages Consumer panels. Our panels consist of people who consciously chose to participate in online surveys via a double opt-in registration process. In an actively managed panel, the panelist’s life is closely monitored to ensure effectiveness and usability. Survey Fieldwork recruits’ panelists for its panels using a variety of methods, including opt-in email, co-registration, enewsletter campaigns, and both internal and external affiliate networks. Through our recruiting partners, we include social media. To create a high-quality panel and eliminate the inherent bias that could result from using just one or a few recruiting sources.

We believe, it is critical to work with multiple panels recruiting partners. Survey Fieldwork tracks both activity and engagement by demographic group, which contributes to the quality of data from our panelists.

The panel for sample surveys is carefully curated to ensure that only relevant respondents are included. This panel is professionally managed by a dedicated team that follows global quality assurance best practices to maintain response and data integrity. Survey Fieldwork’s in-depth knowledge of the local market is also a big advantage

Panelists are recruited exclusively for Market Research studies. We do not send surveys to people who have not registered into our panel. We never share individual details to clients or any associates.

Survey Fieldwork actively recruits hard-to-reach respondents (eg- younger people and ethnic minorities) through a network of partners with access to a wide range of online resources for these groups. These sources have expertise in recruiting these audiences for online activities. These recruiting programs include search engine optimization (SEO), affiliate networks, specialized websites, and referral programs. All recruiting sources, for hard-to-reach audiences or anyone else, are monitored to ensure that respondents are profiled, responsive, and answer the survey. engaged in the survey-taking experience

As mentioned above, we rarely need to add that from other sources to our sample. In cases where external sampling is required, we always advise the customer so that he can decide when and how to proceed with another supplier. The external partners in the sample are selected based on their ability to address hard-to-reach target groups and the quality and timeliness of their work. Our technology allows us to recognize users who take the same survey with other providers, thus avoiding duplicate responses.

Survey Fieldwork panel and mailing system allows us to pre-select target groups based on defined demographic profiles and apply a random distribution within the target population to ensure representativeness of the sampling operation. This ensures representation on key demographics. We also implement custom pre-screening to validate demographics and targeting. Our technologically advanced tools also allow us to ship batches or deliver samples at scheduled times to ensure the relevant distribution, geographic area, time zone and also taking into account local holidays or events.

Yes, our platform has an integrated survey router and dynamic profiler called Optimizer. This Optimizer increases panel reach and sample efficiency by addressing deficiencies in first generation stand-alone router systems, which can often result in poor panelist experience and higher panelist churn. Benefits include:

• Increased permission-based profiling depth as it can easily store routing qualification data in a panel member’s profile. This results in the ability to better target surveys to panel members;

• A superior optimization and routing experience for panel members as it leverages existing panel member profile information when matching a panelist to a survey, minimizing the number of qualifying questions and the time in the optimization and routing process;

• Yes, all members of Survey Fieldwork and our partner samples are used solely for market research purposes. Members will not be approached for any telemarketing or direct marketing activities under any circumstances. Furthermore, they are assured of this upon registration.

Panel members receive an invitation email containing a link to the survey. The link is sent according to the profile requirement of the surveys in real time which is assigned to eligible panelist. We can manually control priorities (for example to ensure that very urgent customer surveys meet quotas on time), but allocations are primarily determined by the quotas defined in the framework for each survey. If, after more detailed screening, a respondent does not qualify for the survey they were assigned to, they will be returned to the router and assigned to another survey.

We only use it on studies that are likely to be unaffected or likely to have a negative impact on the available redirected traffic. With high volume and large mix of target populations, we reduce the risk of router bias. Our tool does not use a routing method that can systematically prioritize certain categories or studies that would create bias. The randomization element used in routing algorithms is the key.

Our routing system allows us to set some router parameters at the system level, whereas parameters at the detection level are usually set by the project manager. In all cases, senior managers monitor routing parameters and make necessary changes based on our Client’s requirements

Basic demographic information and data on the most common topics for online surveys are collected from all members. This includes age, gender, location, family status, occupation, income, education, etc. In addition, panel members are profiled on a range of topics including technology, travel, automotive, health, lifestyle, media and many more. These additional profile surveys are fully optional. Also, after responding to a survey (as a complete, quota-full, or screened-out participant), panelists are presented with the opportunity to complete additional questions from the global questions list, to ensure their profile is kept up to date.

Panelists receive an email invitation that includes the length of the interview/survey, payment information, reference number, and a generally stated reference to the topic. The intent is to draw the panelist’s interest, without disclosing the precise nature of the study. Mindful of the panelist’s experience, every survey invitation contains instructions on how to claim incentive payment, an easy opt-out link, and an email link for questions (usually addressed within the same day). Email invitations are branded with a consistent subject line and graphics, to promote familiarity. [email protected] In addition to emailed invitations, we also utilize social media platforms, such as Facebook and Twitter to promote participation in our studies.

It is important that respondents are properly incentivized to take the time to express their opinions. We encourage each respondent to take our survey and complete it. The number of points awarded is determined by the duration of the interview (LOI). Upon reaching the redemption level we set, panel members can exchange their rewards for Amazon gift cards The number of reward points awarded depends on the type and complexity of the survey. The exact number of reward points may vary by survey and is clearly stated at the beginning of each survey.

• The demographics details (age, gender, regions, etc.)

• Any non-demographic targeting or behavioral criteria necessary to qualify

• Any quotas or sub-quotas which need to be achieved

• Additional sampling (deployment) criteria if applicable (i.e. census representative deployment or balanced send-outs to initiate the survey)

• Incidence Rate (IR)

• Length of Interview (LOI)

Yes, we do. Respondents are asked a few questions on their survey participation experience in terms of survey length, logic, language and are also able to give feedback in an open text box. We then compile all this information on our system and analyze it in aggregate as well as individual cases.

In addition to regular updates and statistics throughout the life of the project, we provide all data upon request, including number of completions, number of surveys initiated and incomplete.

We have several techniques are available to ensure that customers receive the highest quality data on which their analysis is based. We have mechanisms in place to identify and remove:

• Speeders

• Those who do not answer questions

• Those who do not normally answer

The set of quality controls will be determined with the client at the start of the project to ensure that they are in line with existing quality standards. In addition to removing fraudulent responses from survey data, panel members who fail this test are flagged in the database and eventually removed from the panel if they are found to be consistent offenders.

On average, panel members complete surveys no more than once a week, a threshold that ensures continued engagement without burdening panelist with too many surveys. We monitor and control the number and frequency of invites and completions both at the general level and within subject areas.

Controls are set on study-by-study basis. We can control who the invitations are sent based on the previous studies they have completed and within a set period.

Yes, we maintain a complete record of each respondent, including attempts to qualify for surveys. We also know where each of them originated. We can provide all data on request.

We have a range of features to deal with professional / duplicate respondents. The system uses stratified samples to obtain different types of respondents, including active and less active panelists. The duration of the survey is evaluated and compared with the individual responses. The system identifies and excludes multiple panelists by both email address and name. Our panel quality team continually analyzes panel data to identify “fraudulent” or “neglected” panel participants. Our project managers provide feedback to clients on any potential issues that may affect fieldwork, both before the project begins and after it is completed.

We use a standard double opt-in process to ensure that respondents are fully qualified and highly responsive. Survey Fieldwork panelists follow the following panel selection process:

• Click on an invitation to join the panel

• Complete a basic background and demographic survey

• Send a follow up email confirmation to double opt-in the panel

• Multimodal verification of details given by panelists

• Complete a first ‘dummy/test’ survey

• Results of the dummy/test survey are checked, and incorrect/fraudulent respondents are identified through this and removed instantly

We are a double opt-in panel company. Our members need to double opt-in to become active members of our panel. Panelists must complete an online registration form on our website, after which they will become a unique participant. We will then send them a confirmation email with a link. Once they have clicked on this link, they will be registered as a double opt-in.

The users can read our Privacy Policy before signing up in our Panel. Also, our privacy policy is included on panelist invites. privacy-policy and covers key topics including:

• Use of personally identifiable information

• Disclosure of information

• Data security

A brief description of each of the measures is outlined as below. Over-all Security:

• All Server/LAN/Networking equipment is confined to a separate enclosed room and the location accessible only by authorized personnel.

• The team at Survey Fieldwork has restricted access to the actual panel database for security purposes

• To prevent any virus/malware from entering the company infrastructure via electronic route, all machines including email server are monitored in real-time by anti-spyware and other relevant fire-wall applications.

Sampling security:

• Access to project information is only granted to the user who creates each project.

• Users are automatically logged off after a given period of non-activity.

• Users must sign in using a username and password.

• Respondents reach their surveys by GUIDS (globally unique identifiers). Panel management security:

• Access panel and panelist information is only granted to the company’s top level management.

• Users are automatically logged off after a given period of non-activity.

All our clients are cautioned that even with the best security measures, information presented online is not always secure. As long as the client is willing to accept the potential risk, we take a series of measures to reduce the risk. We are also including terms in our member terms to help make it clear to secure members that information shared through surveys and our systems is proprietary and protected.

We design different techniques and mechanisms to avoid frauds and professional panelists:

• We send unique URLs per study to each panelist.

• We accept only one registration from each computer (We detect this using the IP and cookies).

• We analyze the time that the panelist takes to answer the questionnaire. If the time is shortened then the minimum expected, we delete these respondents.

• We analyze open end answers.

• We do not reveal the target we are looking to our panelist

• Our incentives system does not promote the “professional panelist”

• We compare the information that the panelists provide in their profile vs. the information provided in the surveys we send to the panelist

Yes, in some cases. Children under the age of 14 can only be contacted with the express permission of a parent who is a member of the panel and must be present to present their child to the survey. Children never address directly. We respect all ESOMAR rules and follow all guidelines related to online market research.

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